Jennifer Garant
Jennifer Garant's work has been commissioned by collectors around the world, from public and private organizations to corporations and celebrities, and has been shown in galleries throughout the U.S. and Canada. As THE SINGLE MOST LICENSED ARTIST IN THE U.S., her signature chefs have been distributed worldwide on a wide variety of products for the home. Licensees include: Wild Apple, At-A-Glance, Majesticware, Cypress Home, Tweel Home Furnishings,llluminart, and others. Her products are sold at national venues such as Bed, Bath & Beyond, Linens N'Things, Kohl's, Mervyn's, All Posters, and, among others. Her work expresses the exuberance and joy found in a life lived to the fullest. "I can't imagine my life without an instrument to paint with or a surface to mark;' she says. "I'm always curious as to what my next painting will be and where it will take me:' Jennifer rises very early to start painting, a habit she maintains from when her two grown sons were young. She and her husband, Tadd, share a studio and paint all day together. When they need a break, they loosen up with an energetic game of ping-pong. Whether using watercolor or acrylic, Jennifer is always experimenting with imagery and materials.

Current Complete Collection by This Artist

Good Ship Lollipop I
Jennifer Garant | 10 x 8 inches | acrylic & graphite on canvas | #22580
Minnie Merlot
Jennifer Garant | 10 x 8 inches | acrylic & graphite on canvas | #21931
Hazel Hasselhoff
Jennifer Garant | 10 x 8 inches | acrylic & graphite on canvas | #21930
Fiona Fishcake
Jennifer Garant | 10 x 8 inches | acrylic & graphite on canvas | #21929
Wild Garden
Jennifer Garant | 48 x 36 inches | acrylic on canvas | #23330
Jennifer Garant | 48 x 36 inches | acrylic on canvas | #23329
Jennifer Garant | 48 x 36 inches | acrylic on canvas | #23328
Tomato Soup ... Mmm Mmm Good
Jennifer Garant | 48 x 36 inches | acrylic on canvas | #22809We Provide
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